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Episode 7: "Group Agency & Collective Intentionality" - Dr Giulia Lasagni
Collective Intentionality
Marco di Feo - Ontological Foundations of Collective Intentionality
Joshua Knobe - What is Intentionality?
Brian Epstein & Ryall - Broadening Formal Models of Individual and Collective Intentionality
Collective intentionality
John Searle // Seminar: "Perception and Intentionality"
Yuki Nishimoto - Analysis of Collective Intentionality from the Linguistic Pragmatism View - SO2020
Marc Slors: Collective Intentionality, large-group collaboration and embodied we-feeling
Collective Intentionality All the Way Down? (Ladislav Koreň)
Chad Whitney presents Shared Intentionality and Collective Recognition
Susi Ferrarello - Ulysses Syndrome and Collective Intentionality - SO2020